209 research outputs found

    Langaton sisätilapaikannus

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    Tämä tutkintotyöprojekti alkoi vuoden 2010 tammikuussa, ja sen aiheena oli alusta alkaen langaton sisätilapaikannus. Käytännön työtä ja raportointia sisältänyt tutkintotyö tehtiin pienessä ryhmässä, yhteistyössä MeshWorks Wireless Oy:n kanssa. MeshWorks on erikoistunut langattomiin järjestelmiin, ja heidän kauttaan projektiin saatiin laitteet ja tarvikkeet. Projektin testausalustana toimi Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun A-siipi. Projektin tarkoitus oli tutkia, kehittää ja testata langatonta sisätilapaikannusta, käyttäen langatonta ZigBee-tekniikkaa. Tämä tekniikka on lyhyen kantaman vähävirtainen sensoriverkkotekniikka. Tavoitteena oli paikantaa laitteita tai henkilöitä sisätiloissa. Paikannusta varten luotiin sensoriverkko, jonka laitteilta tarvittavat tiedot saatiin palvelimelle. Käytössä olevilla laitteilla ei ollut ennen kokeiltu paikannusta, joten onnistumisesta ei ollut täyttä varmuutta.This Bachelor’s Thesis project started in January 2010. The subject of this project was wireless indoor navigation. The project was done in a small group of students and in co-operation with MeshWorks Wireless Oy. MeshWorks is specialized in wireless solutions. MeshWorks delivered the equipment and the devices we needed in our project. Platform in our project was A-wing of Tampere University of Applied sciences. The project was mainly researching, developing and testing of wireless indoor navigation by using wireless ZigBee-technology. This technology is low-power, low-cost sensor network. The purpose of this project was to develope a wireless network for navigation. The equipment we had were never used before in navigation function. Thus the success of the project was never certain

    Modeling Cognitive-Affective Processes with Appraisal and Reinforcement Learning

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    Computational models can advance affective science by shedding light onto the interplay between cognition and emotion from an information processing point of view. We propose a computational model of emotion that integrates reinforcement learning (RL) and appraisal theory, establishing a formal relationship between reward processing, goal-directed task learning, cognitive appraisal and emotional experiences. The model achieves this by formalizing evaluative checks from the component process model (CPM) in terms of temporal difference learning updates. We formalized novelty, goal relevance, goal conduciveness, and power. The formalization is task independent and can be applied to any task that can be represented as a Markov decision problem (MDP) and solved using RL. We investigated to what extent CPM-RL enables simulation of emotional responses cased by interactive task events. We evaluate the model by predicting a range of human emotions based on a series of vignette studies, highlighting its potential in improving our understanding of the role of reward processing in affective experiences.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Sysmän yksityismetsänomistajien suhtautuminen metsäluonnon suojeluun ja hoitoon

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    TutkimusartikkeliTutkimuksessa selvitettiin Sysmän yksityismetsien omistajien suhtautumista maa- ja metsätalousministeriön ja ympäristöministeriön laatimiin, ympäristönäkökulmat huomioon ottaviin metsänhoito-ohjeisiin. Tämän lisäksi selvitettiin metsänomistajien metsiin liittämiä aineettomia merkityksiä sekä suhdetta luontoon. Tutkimus toteutettiin lomakekyselynä. §§ Tutkimuksen mukaan taloudellinen turvallisuus ja puunmyyntitulot ovat selkeästi metsänomistuksen tärkein tavoite Sysmässä. Taloudellisten arvojen korostaminen ei kuitenkaan poissulje täysin muita näkökulmia, ja metsänomistajat suhtautuvatkin varsin myönteisesti uusiin toimenpide-ehdotuksiin. Varauksellisempia erilaisia suojeluehdotuksia kohtaan olivat nuoret ja suurien tilojen omistajat. Haluttomuutta metsäluonnon suojeluun saattaa nostattaa myös suojelumenettely §§ Sysmässä näin on käynyt esimerkiksi valkoselkätikan suojelun kohdalla. §§ Tutkimuksen mukaan sysmäläiselle metsänomistajalle metsä on olennainen osa kodin ympäristöä ja maisemaa sekä paikka, josta voi tarpeen tullen hakea mielenrauhaa. Ahdistavaksi tai pelottavaksi paikaksi metsän koki kymmenesosa vastaajista

    Towards machines that understand people

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    The ability to estimate the state of a human partner is an insufficient basis on which to build cooperative agents. Also needed is an ability to predict how people adapt their behavior in response to an agent's actions. We propose a new approach based on computational rationality, which models humans based on the idea that predictions can be derived by calculating policies that are approximately optimal given human-like bounds. Computational rationality brings together reinforcement learning and cognitive modeling in pursuit of this goal, facilitating machine understanding of humans.peerReviewe

    Combinatorial perspective on ideas, concepts, and policy change

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    The evolution of environmental policy is increasingly driven by the emergence and interaction of policy concepts and the frameworks, knowledge, and ideas they employ. We argue that policy actors’ creative use of policy concepts often leads to their combinatorial development. In this policy process, the concepts interact and shape each other’s policy relevance and future development under the influence of ideas, knowledge, and political factors. We formulate this new research approach using ideational and policy process theories. In particular, we explicate internal and contextual combinatory elements that enable policy change resulting from mutual development of policy concepts. For an empirical demonstration, we analyze the conceptual innovation, rise, and ramifications of nutrient recycling as a new segment of Finnish environmental policy.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Responsive and Personalized Web Layouts with Integer Programming

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    Over the past decade, responsive web design (RWD) has become the de facto standard for adapting web pages to a wide range of devices used for browsing. While RWD has improved the usability of web pages, it is not without drawbacks and limitations: designers and developers must manually design the web layouts for multiple screen sizes and implement associated adaptation rules, and its "one responsive design fits all"approach lacks support for personalization. This paper presents a novel approach for automated generation of responsive and personalized web layouts. Given an existing web page design and preferences related to design objectives, our integer programming -based optimizer generates a consistent set of web designs. Where relevant data is available, these can be further automatically personalized for the user and browsing device. The paper includes presentation of techniques for runtime adaptation of the designs generated into a fully responsive grid layout for web browsing. Results from our ratings-based online studies with end users (N = 86) and designers (N = 64) show that the proposed approach can automatically create high-quality responsive web layouts for a variety of real-world websites.Peer reviewe